Hometown Nazareth

Faith Baptist Church

Join us for VBS 2024!

We are so excited to host Vacation Bible School this year!

We are going to have an amazing week full of Games, Crafts, Snacks and we will teach kids how amazing our God truly is! In the Bible lessons, students will learn all about Jesus and his early years in an immersive Nazareth experience! children will have a blast as they join one of the "12 tribes of israel" and visit "Marys house" to learn about her Son, Jesus! as we do every VBS, we will also spend the week learning and raising money for a family who is currently on the missions field. This helps our students learn about missionaries and why we give to missions!

We offer classes from ages 3-12 but all youth are invited!

We do ask that all joining us are potty trained! Please inform us of any special requirements, allergies, or concerns in your registration form!


7/10/24 – 7/12/24


Faith Baptist Church
1208 S WW white Rd
San Antonio, TX 78220


Miriam Reyes, VBS coordinator

Faith Baptist Church is dedicated to making a safe and happy environment for kids to have fun and learn about the Lord. We are dedictated to helping our community and are incredibly hopeful to make a positive Godly impact this summer. Vacation Bible School is the perfect way for your kids to learn more about God. We will end the week of fun with our annual Family Sunday, where we will have food, a bounce house, snow cones and more! Parents will get to see what their kids learned throughout the week, as well as spend time together as a family. 

Register online today! Contact for more information!