
Christ the King Presbyterian Church

Join us at CTK for VBS 2024!

Calling all children in completed Pre-K4 through 5th grade!! We are excited to have your child join us for Vacation Bible School at Christ the King. Our theme this year is SCUBA. This year's "VBS Express" features three fun-filled nights that will teach the kids about diving into friendship with God!

Easily register your child online for them to join in on the fun, crafts, snacks, games, and more. 


6/4/24 – 6/6/24
6:00- 8:00 pm


Christ the King Presbyterian Church
1204 SW Del Rio Blvd.
Port St. Lucie, FL 34953


Michelle Paugh, VBS Coordinator

We would love for you to come back on Friday for Family Pizza Night and to recap our fun-filled VBS week. Hope to see you there!