Volunteer Sign Up Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for VBS 2024. Please fill in the relevant fields below.

*Indicates required field.

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” - St. Catherine of Siena
Nothing is insignificant if it helps set the world on fire for God. Whether it is a Crew Leader, Fun & Games Leader, helping with Snacks or helping with Songs and Dance, we would love for you be a part of VBS this summer, to help set the world on fire for God.
All we need is a positive attitude and willingness to do God's will, and the Holy Spirit directs the rest. Even if you can only give a morning or two of your time, we're grateful.
Please fill out the information and don't hesitate to contact Molly with any questions. vbssaintthomasapostle@gmail.com or text 508-309-9251