
Concordia Lutheran Church & Preschool

Join us for VBS 2024 - SCUBA

Welcome to an extraordinary underwater adventure at our Scuba-themed Vacation Bible School (VBS)!

Led by passionate volunteers eager to explore the depths of friendship with Jesus Christ, our VBS promises an experience filled with spirit and excitement for your children.

We invite you to REGISTER your entire family for a journey like no other. Amidst vibrant arts and crafts, engaging Bible lessons, and thrilling activities, your children will discover the wonders of friendship with Jesus as they dive deep into the ocean of His love. Through original songs that bring His message to life, they'll forge bonds of friendship with peers and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

Parents, join us in our quest as volunteers! Delve into the depths of faith with our enriching adult Bible study sessions, where we'll explore the profound lessons of friendship with Jesus together.

Join us for a summer of exploration, fellowship, and fun as we dive into a friendship with Jesus at our Scuba-themed VBS. We can't wait to welcome you with open arms!


6/10/24 – 6/13/24
9 AM - 12 PM daily


Concordia Lutheran Church & Preschool
3003 Silverside Rd
Wilmington, DE 19810


Ron Niesen
(610) 909-9641